
I won't trouble you". She placed them in a bag after I had paid her and said quietly, "so it's like that is it? I smiled weakly, clutching my prized possessions and sai, "yes, do you mind?" Her eyes twinkled and she replied, "no, not at all, and in a whisper, "I don't blame you, I wear them too.



Maybe you hadn't thought of it that way. Are you one of those who, when first discovering TVia couldn't wait for each issue and was so thankful that such a publication existed and "how I wish TVia had been around 5-10 or 25 years ago"? Probably you are be- cause most all readers have expressed those senti- ments. Secondly, were you also one of those who wanted so badly to meet others by correspondence and even more in person? And did you qualify for Contact or join FPE and get your desire for such con- tacts? You Did? Fine. But finally, are you now one of those who, having achieved her hopes and desires finds the magazine no longer as necessary as before and who has either stopped subscribing completely or perhaps is sharing it's purchase with another? Many of you are in this group and if you are please think In most cases none of the contacts and friends you have made would have been possible without the existance of Chevalier, TVia, and little old Virginia beating her brains out devising ways of finding people, introducing people and putting FPE together for every- one's mutual pleasure and help. TVia wasn't started for the purpose of making a profit though some has come over the years. It was started as a service idea and it still is. But it has it's own financial legs to stand on and when many of you cease to support it or share that support with others it becomes increa- singly hard to do all that has to be done. At the pre- sent time Chevalier's subscriptions just barely pay a secretary's salary, the post office, the printer and